Hi! Thank you so much for checking out my portfolio. A little about me (we'll start with work): I am a Visual Designer with agency, start-up, and in-house experience. My days are spent creating webpage mockups, designing print materials, branding & rebranding for clients, website building, team huddles, client calls, and much more. I've loved the opportunity to work for teams where everyone plays an integral role in the day-to-day operations of the business. My experiences have allowed me to grow in all-things marketing, as well as opportunities to enhance the skills & passions I already possessed.
The chance to take these passions and use them alongside people in my field is my favorite aspect of working with others. I've been involved in lots of projects that require collaboration. Being a part of various teams has allowed me to learn from and lead others at the same time. Complementing your strengths with another person's weaknesses and vice versa creates something quite powerful.
When I am not working on a project, the time I have is spent with other people. I'm thankful to have such a great family and wonderful friends that mean the world to me. Some activities I enjoy are running, biking, reading, playing piano, and eating Mexican food whenever possible.